Phoenix Property Management Blog

Lead-based Paint

Property Management Blog
Lead base paint has been an important issue since March 6, 1996, when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) & Housing & Urban Development (HUD) released the regulations on the Residential Lead Based Paint Hazard Contro... read more >>

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Property Management Blog
This is an age-old saying one can apply to a landlord/tenant relationship. Many property owners do not realize they can alter a contract by their actions. Often property owners are reluctant to issue a Pay or Quit Notice to a tena... read more >>

What IF The Tenant Quits?

Property Management Blog
It is the first of the month and the rent is due. The rent does not come in and a notice to pay rent or quit is served. The majority of tenants pay the rent. But what if the tenant decides to “quit,” by vacating the pr... read more >>

Turning Down the Applicant

Property Management Blog
Why is it one of the first words we learn to say quickly is “no?” Then, why is it so hard for people to accept when someone says “no?” Whether an owner finds it difficult or not, there are times to say &ldq... read more >>

Why tenants should always get renters insurance

Property Management Blog
Renting, for most people, is considered to be a normal occurrence before buying their first home. With stagnant wages and increasing cost-of-living, many have to find a place to rent in order to save up for a down payment. One of ... read more >>

Advertising - Beware

Property Management Blog
You may think advertising is a simple issue. Just put together a few descriptive words and place an ad in a newspaper, on a bulletin board, or on the Internet. However, advertising becomes complicated when it leads to a case for d... read more >>

Professional Services for Your Investment

Property Management Blog
Professional Services for Your Investment One definition of a property manager is “someone who manages real estate for another person for compensation.” There are many duties involved, which include marketing the prope... read more >>

Deciding on Pets

Property Management Blog
Deciding on Pets Most owners shudder when you mention pets. To be perfectly honest, this is an understandable reaction since there are times when tenants allow their pets to cause considerable damage or liability. However, when fa... read more >>

Eviction Free Landlording

Property Management Blog
Tips for Tenants… Insight for Owners This post was taken from Nate Armstrong with Midwest Equity Partner. Nate has always impressed me over the years and I found his post to be very well aligned with how we operate here at ... read more >>
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